Lessons Learned / Takeaways
Two major lessons/takeaways were learned while and after developing these forms for the Ohio Healthy Transition Program (OHTP). The first is that by making these forms Teleform enabled our team was able to ensure the accuracy of the data and save time when processing. This provided our team the ability to provide accurate information and data to our partners and staff in a timely manner. The other lesson/takeaway is the importance of limiting the length of the various assessments and the number of assessments. There is already an abundance of paperwork and assessments for OHTP staff to complete so it was important for our OHTP Evaluation team to be mindful of adding additional forms to complete and their length. Our team learned that in order for staff to not feel overloaded with the additional paperwork we needed to make our forms short and concise. Therefore, it was our goal to limit the forms to one page so we would make sure staff could complete the forms quickly while providing accurate and relevant data. This goal was attainable for all of the forms except for the OHTP Screening form as we were unable to fit all the necessary screening questions on one page.